
This is so well written and speaks so much to your character as a daughter, woman, and your inner strength. I have followed you and your mother since the early days of housewives and hope to some day be half the woman and mother Dina is. ❤️

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Dear Lexi, thank you for summoning your thoughts into this essay. You and your mother are so brave. I’m sorry for what you’ve endured. On the show I was endeared to your sweet teenage self, stuffed animals and all, and I was honestly relieved once you were no longer on camera so that you could live your authentic life heading to college. You just seemed better than being reduced to a character on tv. You’ve clearly grown into a smart and successful woman and you have a gift for writing. Thanks for sharing your inspiring story. It takes a strong woman to raise a strong woman ❤️

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Wow, amazingly written! I‘ve watched the relationship between you and your mother from the early years of housewives. You could see the special bond and love between you and your mother. I wish nothing but love, laughter and the happiest memories for both of you ❤️ #TeamBear #LoveConquerorsAll

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You are wise beyond your years. What a blessing you are to your mother. What an amazing job she has done in raising you!

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Lexi, I am so sorry for all you, your mother and your stepfather have had to endure. It’s unimaginable, as is the fact that the rest of your family has continued to support that monster and betray you all.

You are an eloquent writer, and I appreciate you sharing the pain you have suffered.

Please know that there are people who support you and wish you as much healing as is possible.


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I can’t imagine how freeing it must feel to finally speak your truth, and to do so in such an eloquent manner. Hoping that you, Dina and your stepfather can move forward so much lighter and happier.

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You’re free now🤍

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Beautifully written! Your momma must be so proud of you. Sending love 🤍

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This is so incredibly inspiring Lexi. Your courage, emotional intelligence, strength and resilience are a testament to the mother who raised you. Your words are a reflection of the power you have taken back and will undoubtedly be the change in another “bear” who doesn’t quite know that that is what they are… yet.

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I’ve been waiting for you to write this. (I don’t know you, but I know you had your truth) I’m so glad you finally did it. Beautifully written and my heart goes out to you and your mom and her husband. It is despicable what the complacent family members have done to you. Your mom is such a sweet soul. She’s responded to DMs of mine helping me manifest something. I wish you peace and release of this 🤍

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Good.For.You!!! 👊🏼 let’s how obnoxious Lauren Manzo comes to her bully mothers defense now

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This is an amazingly well written testimony of your truth and dedication to your mother. Your words are inspirational and powerful. I wish you and your mother a journey of peace in place of the pain and trauma you both experienced. Bravo sista!!

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Wow. This piece resonated so much with me. I am in awe of your strength in being able to write this and speak your truth about YOUR life story. I have a similar understanding when it comes to losing extended family members and how that can affect us - starting from a young age. This piece is so well written and truly displays what it’s like to fear others, but also fear your own emotions. Understanding how challenging that can be, but you encourage us to step into our story no longer let fear hold us back. Thank you for sharing this girl 💕🙏🏼

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Lexi… You are an amazing human and you’ve expressed your experience with such grace.

Being able to share your perspective and what you’ve endured at the hands of Tommy, your immediate family and those who should have had your back is very therapeutic, healing and freeing.

I love your mama dearly & I hope and pray that in time you’ll heal from all you’ve been through.

Your mom is an absolute angel on earth, you’re both strong brave woman!

Wishing you lots of love always.


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Thank you for sharing. Karma has a stamp and everyone address. I hope you and your family are free now!

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Wow just wow!!!! This is truly amazing.

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